Inertia of Cultural Values

What is worthy of your mental space? Your tangible offerings? How much of yourself are you willing to dedicate to mental bandwidth or physical expenditures? There are limitations based on obligations to life. These obligations are necessary in order to satisfy Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. The remainder of your time is yours. This is the space filled with electives. There is an ordered ranking of the value of each of life’s electives, or, spare time. All of these variables continually change based on events and circumstance external to the locus of control. The constant is always evolving.

What we choose to do in our spare time is our decision to make. At least, we would like to believe it is our decision. There are times when you stop suddenly, look around, and decide to step out of line. Some need time to mentally marinate while others snap with an epiphany… a light is turned on and you see damning, worldly consequences to the actions being taken by your government’s leadership.

History has taught us well. No “right” has ever been granted without a fight. Amendments to the Constitution weren’t written out of boredom. They were written after much organizing, protesting, and often, bloodshed. When civil liberties are being dismissed and humans are being denied basic needs, it is our patriotic responsibility to act. Your phone isn’t going to ring until you’ve done something to unite with others or develop a “Resistance.” Well, that’s not popular, is it? There’s a line for a reason. Activism means doing something to make change happen in society.

Pacifists stay within the lines. Activist drew those lines, and KNOW this – apathy has never played a role in advancing a society. People are beginning to step out of line for the greater purpose of humanity. It is not about a political party anymore; it’s about the structure of government and the impact that structure is having on society. Look around, it’s time for a revolution!

We KNOW what inaction is doing. Nothing. Children continue to be victimized by ICE per Executive Order. Rights continue to be stripped from groups being discriminated against. Subsidies will continue to be withdrawn from the impoverished, from those who have or are currently serving the U.S. military, and from anyone who isn’t a wealthy, heterosexual, white male.

THE MOVEMENT IS ABOUT A FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY. It’s not about left or right, it’s about right and wrong. Participate. Vote. Canvass. Organize. Make calls. Drive voters to polls. Do something. Start now!

CNN 04 January 2020

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